Set of twelve Artisan Inks

Set of twelve handmade Natural Dye inks  represents a truly fantastic opportunity to obtain most of my inks at a wonderful price.

All inks are 50ml  and come with aluminium cap and  with the dropper separate. After using the ink, wash the dropper in clean water and replace cap on bottle. This prevents the dropper blocking up. TeaTree Oil has been added to reduce any chance of moulding.


Did you know that most of the natural dye inks can be used as fabric paints ? Simply paint with them onto a clean scoured prepared fabric such as cotton or silk. Either allow to air set over 6 weeks or steam well wrapped in  or in several layers of greaseproof paper  from 20-30 minutes depending on weight of fabric.



The Ink set consist of:

  • Black
  • Blue
  • Bronze
  • Cochineal Red
  • Olive Green
  • Ochre
  • Orange
  • Terracotta
  • Turquoise
  • Yellow
  • Royal purple
  • Purple grey

The blue and yellow make a lovely bright green. Blue with Bronze  a darker green while with ochre it moves towards the turquoise greens.




3 in stock

Additional information

Weight 2 kg
Dimensions 45 × 35 × 16 cm